Types of History
Thursday, January 21, 2010
6:49 PM
- Linear History
- Cyclic history
- Hegelian history
Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis
- Vortex / Vortextual History
- Yeats - Like a cycle but the events are always
Ancient History:
Fertlie Crescent - Mesopotamia in between Euphrates and Tigris
Three Stone Ages
Hunter gatherers were nomads
People then settle into villages they domesticate animals and plants and they start producing art
Oldest city is Jericho
Water becomes the most important reason for location of cities
In nomadic culture the best and fastest get the animals
When people settle they start to trade and they start to specialize in jobs like a pro farmer or hunter or builder
Then laws and government starts to form
When people settle down there is organized religion
All of this makes up culture
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