Friday, May 14, 2010

Queen Elizabeth's I Rise to Power

Queen Elizabeth I was the daughter of King Henry VIII and Ann Boline. During the early years of her life she was treated like the princess she was. She was in the royal court, had amazing amounts of dresses and servants to attend her, and lived the life of pure royalty. However when her mother was tried, convicted, and executed for treason and adultery, she was suddenly an illegitimate child, no better than the lowliest of servants. She spent the majority of her teen years in this way. She lived with her half sister, who was also marked as illegitimate. The worked as servants and weren't allowed to have any part of the royal life until, Elizabeth's younger brother Edward became king. He realized the wrong that had been committed against Elizabeth and invited her back to the court, She agreed and returned to her life of former glory. When Edward became sick and died, however she never thought she would receive the crown. Her cousin Mary of Scotland was the first in line to the throne but she was a Catholic, and her father's and brother's advisers thought it was best to keep the monarchy in Protestant rule. They chose Elizabeth at age 25 to become queen in order to keep England under Protestant rule, and in Henry's direct blood line.

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