Sunday, February 28, 2010

Notes - Greece


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

12:49 PM

  • Greeks had a lot of music
  • There is areas like states almost
  • In between Athens and Sparta there is
  • The Iliad is the best thing to understand very early Greek History
  • You need to know the Trojan War o understand early Greece
  • Modern day Turkey was Anatolia
  • Paris came to Greece from to Try to meet with Greek kings
  • They met at a wedding where everyone mortal and gods were invited
  • One wasn't and she sent a golden apple that was meant to be the most beautiful
  • Paris was chosen to choose which one was to get it
  • Anatolia - ancient Turkey
  • Isthmus Corus - thin strip of land connecting Athens and Sparta

Persian Wars (Quick Version)

  • Herodotus - first serious history of the western hemisphere
  • Writes mostly about the wars between Greece and Persia
  • Persia was the largest empire during the 6th century bc
  • Greeks had colonized some areas around the medittereanian
  • Persians told these Greeks to join them
  • Most refused - Persians killed them and destroyed their towns
  • Others give in - Persians gain access to ports
  • Decide to invade Greece
  • Lead an invasion force by land and sea
  • They go north to the baspherous
  • They come over land north of Greece
  • Sea fleet attacks Greek outposts
  • Land comes down from north to eventually punch through and capture Athens - the largest city
  • Greeks find out the plan
  • Plan to meet them at Thermopylae
  • Premiere units were from Sparta - best fighters in Greece (300 is a commercialized depiction of this battle)
  • In Sparta children were taken away to train as soldiers
  • Lycurgus was the first Spartan that made laws
  • By 650 B.C. Sparta is the dominant military power
  • Both in Sparta and Athens - Hoplite warfare has developed
  • They held off thousands of Persians
  • Every soldier that went to that battle died
  • Athens was evacuated and the people went into hiding
  • Persian fleet comes down to the area around Athens
  • Rest of Greek military that was in hiding
  • Caught the fleet in a pinscher and won the battle

Classical Period

  • 480 B.C. Persian war ends and Greece is the victor
  • There is no nation just city states
  • Athens becomes the strongest
  • Theatre started in honor of the gods
  • Pericles - suggested they need a navy
  • Built a huge navy

Peloponnesian Wars

  • Sparta get jealous of Athens success because they are who made it possible
  • Athens and Sparta go to war
  • Sparta attacked Athens
  • Athens fought them on land, sea and tried to keep their trade routes open
  • Athens isn't a port there was a port a 6 miles away from the actual cities
  • The long walls protected the route
  • Sparta besieged Athens and cut off the entrance of the long walls
  • The plague hits and Athenians take great losses

  • Greek colonies were on Sicily that were friendly with Sparta
  • Athens decides to attack those colonies to get back at Sparta
  • Alcibiades come up with the plan to attack Sicily
  • On the eve of the ships leaving there is a huge act of violence
  • Alcibiades was framed for it and was left behind

Alexander the Great

  • Macedonia is very mountainous
  • Alexander was born in Macedon in the shadow of Mt. Olympic
  • Born to King Phillip of Macedon
  • He was a rough old guy been in a lot of wars only had one eye that he lost in a war
  • When he was 19 his father was assassinated and Alexander takes the throne
  • Alex decides that he is going to take revenge on the Persians
  • He wants to invade Persia
  • By the end of the journey conquers the entire known war
  • First goes to troy
  • Wins his first battle
  • Lands up in a little village called Gordian
  • The Gordian knot was on an ox cart and legend said that if you can untie the knot you will conquer the world
  • Alexander goes and looks at it after partying with the locals and cuts it in half with his sword
  • He then heads down along the coast not facing any real existence
  • Goes down through Israel and goes into Egypt
  • Egyptians loved him and hailed him as the king
  • He founds Alexandria
  • Takes a road trip with his friends out to the desert on camels
  • Goes to oasis call Siwa that really far out away from everything
  • There's an oracle there and Alexander want to go see it
  • They greet him as the son of the god Aomon is the equivalent of Zeus
  • Then he heads out of Egypt and is ready for war
  • Persepolis was the capital of the Persian Empire
  • The Persian empire was the most powerful and biggest in the world
  • Heads into Mesopotamia - modern day Iraq
  • Here meets Persians on battlefield
  • 333 B.C. Battle of Issus Alex meets king of the Persian Empire

Herodotus - writes the histories of the Persian Wars

Thucydides - histories of the Peloponnesian war

Xenophon Anabasis

Plutarch - Lives

Pausanias - Tourist Guide book ( Descriptions of Greece Part 1 and 2)

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