Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Wheel

The oldest and most important artifact that I use everyday is the wheel. Without the wheel, I would not be able to go to school where I do and my life would be very short ranged. There would be little or no travel and I wouldn't be able to do most of the things I like, because the resources aren't close enough to walk to.

The wheel is thought to be invented between 8000 B.C. and 3500 B.C. in Asia. The oldest wheel to be found however was found in the Middle east and was 5,500 years old. It first started when people used logs to roll things like heavy stone blocks on. The logs then started to develop into a wheel and axis as people experimented and learned. (

Eventually the wheel was started to be used for human transportation and has evolved over thousands of years into the object that it is today. With new inventions like tires added the wheel still has the same basic shape and purpose that it had when it was first invented.

"Ancient Civilizations : Science : Invention of the Wheel." Oracle ThinkQuest Library. Web. 04 Feb. 2010. .

"Wheel -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 05 Feb. 2010. .

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