Monday, April 19, 2010

Class Blog Submission - Augustine of Hippo

Augustine of Hippo was a converted Christian, that lived in the 300s CE. He is famous for being the bishop of the city of Hippo in Africa, and his works that have survived and are still used today. His works, such as "Confessions", have left a large mark on the way that people view and follow modern Christianity.

Augustine wasn't always, a devout Christian priest. As a young man he was involved in several different religious groups that didn't necessarily follow the strict teachings of the Christian Church. By being involved in these groups he gained knowledge of different beliefs and ways of looking at things that were taught by the religions of the world. Augustine spent most of his life looking for the meaning of good and evil. When he did rejoin the church and became a priest he brought his knowledge with him that eventually changed the way that Christians looked at their beliefs.

"Augustine of Hippo (354-430)." An Internet Resource for the Study of the Early Centuries of Christianity. Web. 10 Mar. 2010. <>

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