Review - Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece
Monday, March 22, 2010
9:38 AM
- Inventing writing - cuneiform
- Clay tablets
- First law that was ever written down - "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth"
- Opened up trade routes
- Old testament
- Eden is a place in Mesopotamia
- Southern Iraq
- Mesopotamia - cradle for civilization
- First writing
- First mathematics
- First law
- Architecture
- Place between Tigris and Euphrates was the perfect spot
- Need water to have civilization
- Between the rivers an Oasis - perfect for farming
- model civilization
- Fell due to invasion
- Death obsessed
- Nile is another oasis
- Annual flood - makes the nearby land fertile
- Makes immediate area very green and luscious
- Pharaoh was the one responsible for the river flooding - entire life in Egypt revolves around the Nile and its flooding
- 4 months a year Nile water surround villages during the floods - soil is good after it recedes
- On Crete - Minos had a palace
- Lower chambers the mentor lived
- Legend says that Minos demanded a sacrifice of Athenian boys and girls
- Athenian king went and killed the beast and took Minos' daughter
- in history a great volcanic eruption changed the climate of the island plus a tsunami
- Trojan times
- Helen and Paris leave her husband the Greek king
- Greeks get together and go to troy
- Siege for ten years
- Trojan horse
- Macenie was the most powerful part of Greece at its time
- After this time - the bronze age - go into a dark ages
- Then to goes to the city state era
- Persians at this time
- Battle of thermopoly
- Then battle of Solamis
- Years later Alexander the Great - evenger
- After the Persian wars
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