Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Notes - Late Antiquity, Early Christianity, and the Byzantine Empire

Late antiquity, early Christianity, and the Byzantine Empire

Monday, March 15, 2010

10:04 AM

Romans having a lot of trouble with the Germanic tribes

At Marcus Aurelius the Roman Empire doesn't stretch any further

After Marcus Aurelius things go into disarray

Things stable out with Septimius Severus

Really the last dynasty

Then the soldier empowers

All generals

Several emperors in several years

Civil warfare

Things falling apart


New form of government

The Dominate


All authority in one guy

The techtrachy - rule by four

Splits the empire into two parts - west and east

Two in charge of west - two in charge of east

War between the two most powerful - Mexentius and Constantine the First

Had a great battle - Battle of Milvian Bridge

Constantine wins the battle

He saw a Christian image

Becomes the sole leader

Makes Christianity legal

Moves capital to Constantinople

Late Antiquity

  • End of Roman Crisis of the third Century
  • Reformation of eastern empire
  • Christianization of the empire
  • Rome is sacked

  • Originally the Christians had to meet in secret
  • In Rome they met in secret
  • After late antiquity Christianity spreads to everything that used to be the Roman Empire
  • Used coded language and coded art to get their ideas together
  • Met in the catacombs
  • Christian and Constantinople art

Byzantine Empire

  • Basically the land of the eastern roman empire
  • Goes well into the renaissance
  • Justinian tries to merge the church and state together

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