Monday, March 01, 2010
9:41 AM
- Rome was the first real empire
- We still feel the affects of the Roman Empire
- Trojan war forms the same mythological background for the Romans as I did for the Greeks
- Some people escaped
- Led by Aeneas and his father and his son
- Trojans go to Carthage in Africa
- Aeneas falls in love with the Carthaginian queen
- Gods tell Aeneas that his future isn't there it's in Italy
- At this time Sicily was mostly in Greek control
- Southern Italy was inhabited by Greeks
- There's a variety of people and geography
- When Aeneas landed he fought a war against the Latins who were the people that lived there
- He wins the war and takes over that part
- Alba Longa was the capital of the new Trojan settlement just south of Rome
- Romulus and Remus were raised by a She wolf and grew up
- Romulus and Remus go to war
- Romulus wins and founds the city Roma or Rome
- Rome was founded 753 B.C.E.
- At first is was really just a village
- It was formed around two different social classes
- The Patricians had the money and power and everyone else were plebeians
- The struggle of the orders is the struggle between the two social classes
- The Patricians give the plebeians one representative with a veto power
- Rome will be the first city to have 1 million people
- It will be the biggest empire in history
- They conquer the land north to them
- When they conquer something they place a governor and a battalion place a few new laws and a tax and then let the people be
- After the capture the rest of Italy, the go to southern France
- Then they go to Spain
- The Greek generals want to know who these Romans are and the set out to conquer them
- Pyrrhus leads and expedition to invade Rome
- He wins almost all of the battles but he loses so many people that he can't continue any more and they can't pull of the final victory
- Rome is able to fend off their first major attacker and gets put on the map
- In the age of expansion Rome starts to have power in the Mediterranean
- Their first major conflict is against the Carthaginians
- Sardinia asks for help when fighting over trade routes and Romans come to help their allies
- Three Punic Wars in 100 years
- Between 264 B.C.E and 146 B.C.E
Important events in Rome
- Aeneas / Trojans defeat Latium
- Alba Longa
- Romulus and Remus / founding of Rome in 753 BCE
- Expulsion of Etruscan Kings / Establishment of Roman Republic
Tarquin the Proud
Tarquin the Sixth
Lucius Junius Brutus
Roman republic 509 BCE
- Struggle of the orders / tribune of the plebs
- Roman Expansion / Pyrrhus
- First Punic War
Herodotus - history of the Persian War - he is known as the father of history - first time that we really have a systematic history of a certain event - he goes out and tracks down stories by himself - he goes to the places and talks to people
Thucydides - Greek lived after Herodotus - closer to the age of Aristotle - wrote the history of the Peloponnesian War - much more accurate in what h says
Livy - A roman Historian - writes the history of Rome from Romulus and Remus to his tome in Augustine's rule
Punic Wars
- In the first war Rome helps Sardinia and is able to control a bit more but the fundamental difference isn't resolved
- Fought over the trade routes between Sicily and Sardinia to control routes all over the Mediterranean
- Put Rome on the map
- The second Punic War
- Rome only controlled the southern half of Italy Sardinia and Corsica
- Carthage controlled most of North Africa and Part of Spain
- Hannibal brings war elephants
- They trampled roman forces and decimated them
- Hannibal gets within 50 miles of Rome
- Doesn't have the man power or the supplies to siege Rome
- Eventually loses because he had to retreat to
- Last Battle of the Second Punic War
- Scipio and Hannibal on opposite sides
- Battle of Zama
- Hannibal tries to use his elephants but Romans care them with noise
- Scipio charges with infantry
- Calvary clashes
- Most of the Calvary is drawn off
- Almost in a stalemate
- Then Scorpio brings the little Calvary he has left back
- Defeats Carthaginians
Find a resource on the ancient world or history - write an explanation of what it is and why its useful
What were roman attitudes to women and children when the twelve tables were written
AD Rome
- Villa culture
- Villa - almost like a country home
- Decorated with art and spoils of war
- Senators worked in city then left for the weekend
- Many villas near Naples
- Helped them forget about the wars and conquests and politics
- Only patricians had villas
- Suburb was a tight compacted neighborhood with dozens of people within feet of you constantly
- Gracchus brothers - Tiberius and Gaius
- Ran on a platform of land rights for plebeians
- Said it was unfair that the plebeians were fighting for Rome's expansion and they don't get any awards
- Both were assassinated because it caused friction between people in the Senate
- Assassinated in two separate events
- First ones assassinated
- Marullus and sullies
- Had fought for Rome and had had great victories that conquered other place
- Begin to butt heads
- Marullus is involve in the social war
- Patricians and plebeians fight
- Sent to put down these uprising all over Italy
- See a buildup of troops loyal to specific generals
- The first civil war
- Between Sulla's army and Marullus army
- Sulla threatens to march o Rome
- Marullus said he would defend Rome
- Sulla wins and Marullus has to flee Rome
- Julius Caesar
- Caesar born in 100 BC
- Right at the turn of the century
- Live until 44 BC
- Complete revolution in Roman politics
- Form family call the Julia
- Glorious past but not much has happened recently
- Julius wants to relive that glory and he runs for the Senate
- Highest position is the councils
- Like a parliamentary system with a prime minister
- After their term was over they were sent out to be a governor somewhere in the empire
- Traditionally roman patricians got their council by being buddy buddy with other patricians
- Instead Caesar becomes popular among the people of Rome
- Two political parties are formed
- One is the Optimizes - patricians and patricians
- Populates - caser - gain their power from the common people
- He wins the Council
- Senators don't like this young guy getting power by the people
- They try to make his life miserable
- Match him with another guy that is the complete opposite of him
- After his term they send to Gaul
- Then it was the middle of nowhere
- Was just the bottom of modern day France
- Caesar goes and makes a name for himself
- He sets out to conquer all of Gaul
- He conquers all of France and then crosses the English channel and conquers some of Britain
- Senators get nervous because people love the stories that Caesar's sends back
- When its time for him to get back
- Senators say that Cesar's battles are illegal because they didn't have the authority
- Say he needs to stand trial
- Cesar decides to start a civil war instead and
- The senators send Pompey to fight Cesar
- Cesar had the utmost respect for them
- Pompey had made has name fighting the pirates in the Mediterranean
- Pompey v. Caesar
- Caesar's troops are known for being extremely fast and they fight all over the medditerean during the war\r\
- The final battle occurs in Pharsalus
- Decisive battle of the civil war between Caesar and Pompeii
- Mark Antony has a huge role in winning the battle
- Most of the leaders on pompeys side either are killed or they commit suicide
- Caesar mad that people in Egypt decapitate Pompey when he flees
- Egypt and Rome become allies
- When he comes home to Rome he is hailed a hero
- Soon senators get scared and they decide to kill him
- Brutus is the central one
Octavian and Augustine
- Octavian - Caesar's nephew and named his heir
- Swears revenge on the people that killed Caesar's
- Octavian and Antony - form an alliance (triumvirate) with Lepidus
- Lep. Is the money guy Antony and Octavian have the power
- Split the empire in three
- Octavian west - Antony central - Lep. - east
- Soon lep. Is knocked out
- Antony has an alliance with Cleopatra
- They go to war with Octavian
- Giant sea battle
- Octavia defeats Antony
- Antony kills himself and so does Cleopatra
- Octavian becomes the sole power in the Roman empire
- Honored by the senate that declares him Augustus
- Becomes the first emperor in Rome
- Republic is effectively over
- Democracy was replaced by a permanent dictatorship
- Augustus becomes the first of the Julio - Claudia Dynasty
- Augustus
- Tiberius
- Caligula
- Claudia
- Nero
- Augustus' heirs weren't as competent
- Following emperors had some issues
- Suetonius - historian that writes about the Emperors
- Augustus - the pricipate
- Doesn't think of himself as better that the senators but he is first
- Augustus' ancestors were supposedly gods
- Used political propaganda - famous statue
- Tiberius is not heir of Augustus
- He was Augustus' step son
- Good at administrative but he was cruel man
- Caligula - NUTCASE
- Had relations with his sister
- Tried to have his horse named a senator
- Had people killed before him for fun
- Claudius ok
- Deformed and kept to himself
- Ok because he let the professionals handle everything
- Nero - NUTCASE
- Burned down half of Rome to build a park
- Forced to kill himself
- He ends the Julio - Claudian emperors
- Vespasian
- Old military general
- Didn't take no BS
- Wanted strict military order
- Thought most of the others were nutcases
- Mostly the empowers were made into gods
- That’s why the Christians got into trouble because they refused to pay the god tax
- Titus
- Son of Vespasian
- Coliseum is finished under him
- Titus has his men sack Jerusalem and destroy the temple
- Part of why there's controversy in Jerusalem today
- Domitian
- Blood relative
- Builds public things like baths and such
- Assassinated
- Good Emperors
- Nerve 96-98
- Trajan 98-117
- Hadrian 117 - 138
- Antonius Pius 138 - 161
- Marcus Aurelius
- Starts the practice of Rome of choosing who his heir is instead of just having the closest blood relative
- Military genius
- Dacain campaign
- Trojans column tells war stories
- Expands empire
- Unlike any other emperor
- A renaissance man
- Philosopher, architect, world traveler
- Not from Italy, from Spain
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