Friday, March 5, 2010

The Twelve Tables

When the Twelve Tables were written, Rome believed that every citizen should be strong and able. The tables say "a dreadfully deformed child shall be killed" (IV 1), meaning if any child was not able to perform a useful job in the Roman Civilization they were useless to society, and were put to death. They saw deformities as a physical weakness that reflected poorly on Rome. The male children of Rome were to be fighters and were supposed to support the city of Rome and fight for it. Children were also considered property of the parents and of Rome, As the tablets say; "If a father surrenders his son three times for sale, the son is free" (IV 2)

Like he children the women were supposed to be fit and strong, mentally and physically.

"Women must not tear cheeks or hold chorus of `Alas!' on account of a funeral." (X 4), as the laws stated. This quote is say that if something bad happens, women are supposed to be stoic. They shouldn't cry and show emotion during a public funeral or other despondent gatherings.

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